Cargo Packaging Rules

I. Words and Expressions
Terms and concepts listed in these Rules have meanings used in the Contract of Carriage and Other Services (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) its Appendices, as well as in other meanings given below:
Cargo (consignment) means all objects from the time of collection up to the handover to the recipient.
Cargo shipper is any natural person or legal entity that hands cargo to the carrier
Recipient of cargo is any natural person or legal entity that receives cargoes, draws up shipping document and unloads vehicles in the prescribed manner.
Marking means necessary inscriptions, figures and notation conventions found on packaging, labels or on the product proper, which is to be consigned and handed to the recipient.
Palletization is assembling and unitizing cargoes into a larger unit load, this ensuring the integrity of cargoes delivered under particular conditions and allowing the mechanization of cargo handling and warehousing;
Carrier is an executor under the Contract.
Container is the major packaging component used for accommodating products.
The client shall be obliged to familiarize the Cargo Shipper with the Rules for packaging goods transported by TMM-Express and if the transported cargo is damaged and its packaging does not meet these Rules, the client is to present all claims to the Cargo Shipper.
ІІ. When ordering carriage services, the Client shall acknowledge it has familiarized itself and the Cargo Shipper with the following:
- The Carrier shall carry groupage (consolidated) cargoes of different types and from different cargo shippers.
- Cargoes shall be transported by lorries with uncontrolled temperature conditions which have no special rigging for specific types of cargo (in case such special rigging has not been previously agreed with the Carrier).
- In the event of packaging being unavailable or using packaging that does not fit the cargo properties and is not compliant with the requirements set by the Carrier, the latter shall not incur responsibility for cargo damage (breakage, breakdown, deformation, leakage).
- In the event of containers and packaging being not fit for the properties and the mass of cargo, or not meeting the established standards, technical conditions and packaging rules, the Carrier shall not incur responsibility for all possible consequences affecting the integrity and safety of the cargo.
- In the event of cargo containing poisonous, radioactive or chemical substances, acids and other hazardous substances, of which the Client/Cargo Shipper has not been notified, the latter shall not incur full responsibility for the damage to cargoes owned by a third party, which have been transported and stored together with cargoes owned by other shippers, as well as by the Carrier and vehicle drivers.
- The Carrier shall be entitled to refuse to carry a cargo, if its packaging does not meet these Rules, this being the Carrier's right rather than obligation.
III. General Cargo Packaging Requirements
A cargo is to be presented for carriage as pursuant to the requirements imposed by the Carrier, even if a cargo is presented in packaging produced by the manufacturer and complies with the National State Standard and technical specifications utilized by the manufacturer. In the event of inconsistencies arising between the National State Standard and technical specifications on the one hand, and these Rules on the other, preference shall be given to TMM-Express's Cargo Packaging Rules used in shipping receipt.
- Packaging is to fit the properties of cargo.
- Packaging is to ensure complete safety of the cargo transported with automated cargo handling operations taken account of.
- Packaging is to fit climatic conditions.
- Packaging is to meet customs requirements.
- Packaging may serve the advertising purposes.
- When choosing to package, one is to take into consideration a mode, length and duration of haulage, as well as the possibility of more than one transshipment, temperature conditions and humidity levels displayed during the journey, time of the year (weather conditions) and compatibility with other cargoes.
- Packaging is to fit a type of cargo transported, the vehicle's load-carrying ability, road cutting and road condition, as well as other characteristics.
- Packaging used for transporting cargoes requiring cooling and vigorous air ventilation is to have openings.
- Packaged inclusions are to be tightly packed with no spaces left in between.
- Boxes are not to have old marking and handling marks which do not correspond to inclusions.
- Hazardous cargoes are to be put in certified containers.
- As to containers made from metal, glass, ceramic clay, wood, plastic and other materials, they are to ensure complete safety of the content and prevent it from leaking and spilling.
- Cargoes which require special storage and carriage conditions are to have required marking, handling marks and specifications.
- Glassware and ceramic articles are to be accepted in tightly packed wooden boxes with packing materials being utilized.
- Cargo packing requires one to take account of cargo’s specific properties with the purpose of ensuring its safety and keeping it from damaging other cargoes (when transported and transshipped and automatic cargo-handling equipment being used etc).
IV. Cargo Marking
- When handled or stored, all items of cargo requiring special handling are to have special marking reading "TOP", "GLASS", " "HANDLE WITH CARE", " DO NOT TURN OVER", "DO NOT LAY IT FLAT". The responsibility for the absence of special marking and the consequences entailed shall lie with the Client/Cargo Shipper.
- Marking is to be done in one of the following ways:
- direct marking;
- labeling
V. Specific Ways of Packaging Individual Cargoes
1. Heavy and oversize cargoes.
Heavy and oversize cargoes include those having weight of 70,00 kg. They are to be packed into rigid containers or wooden boxes and palleted as well. Such cargoes require packing material and binders, as well special rigging and fasteners. Containers and boxes are to be bound lock wise with a metal band at both ends.
2. Textiles, consumer goods, clothes and footwear.
These cargoes are to be packed into rigid containers (wooden and plywood boxes). Soft items can be packed into semi rigid containers (compact bales combined with planks).
When using semi rigid containers, one is to cover all sides of bales with one layer of packing paper and one layer of packing sheet, so that bales would be protected from pollution, damage and loss of sales appeal.
Boxes packed with footwear are to bound crosswise with two metal bands 0,4 mm thick and 20 mm wide, as well as with wire having the diameter of at least 4,0 to 4,5 mm, this being followed by sealing. Identification tags are to be attached to the sides of each box.
3. Household goods.
Household goods include glassware, chinaware, crockery, metal ware, tableware and cutlery. Depending on what type of goods they are, glassware, chinaware, crockery, ceramics etc are to be packed into a cardboard box that has compartments for each commodity unit, and additionally, into timber frames with stiffening ribs or corrugated cardboard box supplied with foam collars consolidated with wood shavings, foam and other materials. Packaging is to be bound with a metal band and properly marked.
Boxes with tableware are to be packed into wooden boxes tightly knocked and lined with waterproof paper. Packed boxes are to be bound with a steel packaging band which is fastened and nailed to the box, Plastic, metal and enameled articles are to be palletised in tiers, the number of tiers not exceeding two. Each tier is to be covered with corrugated board and the pallet is to be tightly wrapped in stretchable film.
4. Metals and metal ware are to be packed when presented for carriage:
- metal sheets to be palletized with the corners to be protected by wood covering, so that no deformation would occur;
- rolled steel, angle plates and channel beams are to be stacked on timber mats by way of sections;
- steel cables are to be coiled or wound on wheels;
- rolled meshes are to be bound with soft binding wire and plane meshes bound in packets;
- rivets, bolts, screws, gaskets and tap screws are to be put in rigid containers;
- electrodes are to be wrapped in paper and put in boxes;
- automatic-welding wire is to be coiled, wrapped in waterproof paper, packing cloth and bast matting, or packed into boxes.
Pipes are to be tightly packed, tightly bound with metal wire at least in two points or put in boxes;
5. Sections (wood ware, plastic items, metal ware). Furniture, metal ware.
Sections are to be wrapped in bubbly protective film or packed into solid corrugated board (or into two layers of less solid corrugated board) and bound with stretchable film or adhesive tape. Furniture and woodware (façades etc) are to be shipped in containers with stiffening ribs supplied with properly marked packing material. Corners of window frames, doors, tabletops, demountable furniture parts are to be covered with top covers. Glass and door panels are to be covered by a woody fibredflag, corrugated boards or their substitutes. The whole structure is to be covered with stretchable film, or bound with metal band or adhesive tape. As well as that, it is to be wrapped in waterproof paper. If windows doors are completed with a door box or window box, the latter is to be bound with a metal band.
6. Machines, equipment, manufactured goods.
Machines (equipment) include manufacturing and industrial equipment, spare parts and parts added to them, generators, electric vacuum cleaners, washing and sewing machines, refrigerators, electrically-powered engines, electrical equipment etc.
These goods are to be presented for carriage in the manufacturer's packaging, although machines and equipment are required to be put in rigid containers or wooden boxes, with the latter being palletized and packing materials utilized. If manufactured goods are put into hard packaging, boxes are to be bound lock wise with a metal band at both ends. The packaging is to bear marking, as well as legible inscriptions "HANDLE WITH CARE", "DO NOT TURN OVER", "TOP", "ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE" etc.
7. Liquid cargoes
Containers for liquid cargoes (cans, barrels, canisters, buckets etc) are to be tightly covered with lids supplied with rubber or paper gasket seal and sealed by the Cargo Shipper. Cans and other containers are to be put in sturdy leak-proof containers and consolidated with sawdust and other soft fillers. Jars and tubes are to be packed into cardboard or wooden boxes
8. Rubber, rubber resin, industrial rubber goods.
Rubber resin is to be transported in stacks, boxes and sacks. Rubber and rubber goods classified as consumer goods (footwear, toys, medical products, haberdashery etc) are to be packed into wooden boxes,
Rubber goods for used industrial and transport purposes are to be packed into stacks, bales, sacks and boxes.
9. As to dirty cargoes, industrial goods with exposed lubricated or mazut-covered parts, or treated with preservatives, as well as to metal or rubber goods covered with preservatives etc., they shall not be accepted for shipment.
10. Glass bottles for liquid foodstuffs are to be accepted for shipment if they are put in cardboard boxes and have proper marking, namely "TOP", "FRAGILE", "HANDLE WITH CARE". Before the bottle is put into the box, it is to be put in a polythene bag and then wrapped in bubbly film or other packing material.
11.Plate glass
Plate glass of any type or size is to be packed into reusable containers or wooden boxes with stiffening, foam collars or any other packing materials being put in between and on all sides and properly marked.
12. Automobile glass
Automobile glass and metal spare parts added to vehicles (bumpers, doors etc) are to be packed into reusable containers with stiffening ribs supplied with packing materials and properly marked. Plastic spare parts are to be packed into a solid box with stiffening ribs which is made of solid corrugated board, supplied with packing materials and properly marked.
13. Pulp-and-paper products
Cellulose bales are to be wrapped in paper and bound with a steel band or steel wire. Paper is to be presented for rolled carriage being wrapped in several layers of sturdy packing paper and in the form of stacks packed into wooden boxes or fixed on two panels. Cellulose is to be presented in the form of stacked plates. Boxes and panels are to be bound with a steel packing band.
14. Chemicopharmaceutical products as well as perfumery and beauty products kept in glass and other fragile containers are to be put in socketed boxes. Glass bottles are to be put in wooden cages or cardboard with sockets for individual commodity units. The bottom of boxes, free spaces in sockets and baskets as well as under-cover space are to be filled with packing material.
When signing TMM-Express's consignment note, the Client is to acknowledge that the cargo handed to the Carrier has been packed as pursuant to the above-stated rules and does fall under the category of substances banned from carriage, as stipulated by the Contract and the effective legislation. Another thing to be noted is that the cargo carriage does not require specific safety measures to be applied and is not in breach of the effective legislation. All responsibility for the breach of above-stated carriage rules shall be incurred by the Client and Cargo Shipper. The responsibility for the breach of these rules shall be incurred by the Client and Cargo Shipper