Quality Management System

Top management of TMM-Express implements management and business process improvements, develops the Company's management system in such a way as to provide the highest quality services, taking into account the requirements and expectations of interested parties: customers, employees, society, controlling organizations, partners and suppliers.
The Global Innovation Index (GII) provides indicators on the innovation of the economies of countries around the world. One of the 81 indicators used to assess the innovation component is the number of accredited certificates obtained in the country for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001. We contribute to the international recognition of Ukraine as a country having innovative companies in the field of express delivery.
To this end, the TMM-Express people is now involved in the development and implementation of a quality management system (QMS) meeting the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015. We strive to demonstrate the Company's ability to achieve the planned results and continuously improve its operations.
The value orientations of the Company's owners and the policies formulated by them for specific components of the organization's activities are laid in the basis of the Quality Policy approved by the General Director of LLC TMM-Express.